Welcome to my blog... I hope to inspire and empower you with ideas for your boudoir session and share images and stories of the women who walk through my door!
Before The Session Starts When Shirley first arrived at Boudoir Nashville’s studio, she had no idea she was about to have a Bad-A day! She told me she felt really nervous and a big mess…like she wasn’t ready for this! Prepping For The Session However, after only a few minutes sitting in the makeup chair, […]
Her Story Let me tell you a little about Miss T. She applied to be a part of our Body Love Project with Boudoir Nashville by Angela’s Photography last Spring. In her application she shared some of her insecurities. I’m sure a lot of us can relate, we all struggle with body insecurities. However, she […]
Can you guess what the number 1 reason is that’s stopping women from booking their boudoir session? Certainly, almost every client says this to me. Have you figured out what it is and said it to yourself yet? Yes, you’re right. The answer is “I need to loose weight; I need to loose 10 more […]