Why Miss R Chose To Do A Shoot
Miss R. is a woman who has struggled with self-love her entire life. She knew she needed to step out of a very small box that had her hating herself, and not liking the way she looked spilled over to everything in her life. Miss R wanted to do a boudoir session for her husband and to celebrate her birthday, but it quickly became about so much more than just pleasing him! She had no idea that boudoir can be life changing.

What Was Her Favorite Part?
When Angela asked what was the best part of her experience and if she’d change anything, Miss R replied “First, was how you helped me feel comfortable. You were willing to share your home, and to me that spoke volumes. You were so encouraging; I felt no judgement! And I would not change anything!”

How Does She Feel About It?
She truly feels more confident now in how she views herself, not just physically but, in general. She can see a little beauty that she’s not seen before. After she got home, she kept going over the day in her mind. She had a mixture of happy tears and a pride in herself for stepping out of that box that bound her with fear. Fear has always spilled over into every thing she’s done and said.

What Surprised Her During The Session?
Miss R’s experience was much better than what she expected. As the time passed during the session, she became more daring, which lead her to a feeling of freedom that she never experienced before. She plans to use this experience as a new standard of how to view herself and view others.

Would She Consider Doing This Again?
She appreciated Angela’s time and patience while guiding her through this amazing experience at Boudoir Nashville. After looking at her images, she saw some stiffness and yes, even a little fear, but she would totally do this again, in a heart beat!

What Were Miss R’s Final Thoughts?
Doing a boudoir session can be life changing for some. Angela has seen it time and time again as her clients share their experiences with her. Hearing these women tell of their struggles and to see them become empowered and more confident is exactly why Angela loves boudoir photography. And when the final text from a client is, “…my husband loved the pictures. He was very supportive of me getting out of my comfort zone. He also asked if I could do the session every year for my birthday!” –Miss R…this is the icing on the cake for her!!!
Email Angela@BoudoirNashville.Net to learn how to book your session!
Also, women are invited to join the VIP Facebook Group where this community of women support and cheer each other on.